Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Addiction

Playing Pool with buddies
I don't really fancy Pool last time, but now after playing for a few times with Jason and friends, i'm starting to love it. It really gets your brain working :D

Nympethamine by Cradle Of Filth
I've never liked Metal Rock songs, but somehow I find myself so lovin' this one. Thanks to Jason for introducing this song to me. Now I can blast this song when i'm alone or driving and be all 'Emoish' HAHAHAH!

Insomnia by Craig David
This song is so damn nice. Thanks to Lynn, we all are so lovin' this song, it's the best habit ever to turn up the volume in the car when this song is played. We even requested this song while playing pool and we were all dancing around the pool table, It was damn fun! HAHA!

My bunch of crazy and outgoing lunatic buddies :D
Oh god! I love them so damn much! they're crazy! they're funny! they're caring! they're supportive! they're just AWESOME! Love you guys! xoxo!!

The Most Dreadful 'Roller Coaster Ride' Ever

It's on, then it's off, it's on, then it's off, it's on again, and it's off again! What the f*** is wrong?!

I'm tired, i'm fed up, and I give up, from now on, i'll just go with the flow, God have plans for me, maybe for now it's just 'you must go through the rain before you can see the rainbow' period...

Oh geez... It's really driving me crazy!

Thank God that I have my best friends from college to give me support and they have been really understanding. Thanks to Lynn, the girl who never fails to make one laugh. And of course Jason, for listening out to all my problems. They've been great.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'How Now?...What now?'

I would reckon June 2009 the worst month ever! Lots of problems came tumbling over me. Problems that seperated me from my three-year-boyfriend, but somehow we still got 'back' together after those bombshells. The reason why I use open and close apostrophe to the word Back is because after all the big mess we've gone through, we decide to get back together and take things slower than before. But this 'getting back together' thing has brought even more problems, this time by family, How great can that be! GAWD!!!!

So this is the question I ask myself every morning when I wake up,
'How now?.... What now?'
I guess i'll just let God help me through this crisis...
God help me, Please!!!....