Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'How Now?...What now?'

I would reckon June 2009 the worst month ever! Lots of problems came tumbling over me. Problems that seperated me from my three-year-boyfriend, but somehow we still got 'back' together after those bombshells. The reason why I use open and close apostrophe to the word Back is because after all the big mess we've gone through, we decide to get back together and take things slower than before. But this 'getting back together' thing has brought even more problems, this time by family, How great can that be! GAWD!!!!

So this is the question I ask myself every morning when I wake up,
'How now?.... What now?'
I guess i'll just let God help me through this crisis...
God help me, Please!!!....


  1. stay strong girl!! you have my support!!!!

  2. :) stay strong dear couz. things may happen for a reason, but remember to just keep moving forward!
