Friday, December 18, 2009

True Friends

Friends come and go, but only true friends stays...

True friends are those who are willing to go through ups and downs, laughter and tears.

No matter how rough the road can be.. only TRUE FRIENDS will willingly stand beside you supporting you and encouraging you not to give up.

Only True Friends will teach you the rights from wrong. essential to true friendship. but to trust a person.. he/she must gain your trust.. in the world today, you can't trust a person easily. We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will end up being spread the next day! Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship. Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts, no turning away.

True friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offense. Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. In true friendship, unconditional love develops. We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends.

Real friendship looks at the heart, not just the "packaging." Genuine friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. True friendship is both challenging and exciting. It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt.

Friends come and go, and if they go.. all you can do is just appreciate the memories they've given you, may it be good or bad. You're not going to lose anything.. No! you're still you! and you are going to meet more new people in life, perhaps better ones.. I believe, everything happens for a reason.

Based on experience

Monday, December 14, 2009

Powerful Quotes of Mother Teresa.

"Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy – let us pray."

"Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin."

When a poor person dies of hunger,
it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her.
It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed

If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.

Before you speak,
it is necessary for you to listen,
for God speaks in the silence of the heart.

Give yourself fully to God.
He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness.

Speak tenderly to them.
Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile.
Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well

The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the less you have the more free you are. Poverty for us is a freedom. It is not mortification, a penance. It is joyful freedom. There is no television here, no this, no that. But we are perfectly happy

Little things are indeed little, but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.


In the teaching of Buddhisms, the law of karma, says only this
"For every event that occurs
there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first,
and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant
according as its cause was skillful or unskillful."
A skillful event is one that is not accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions ;
An unskillful event is one that is accompanied by any one of those things.
Events are not skillful in themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that occur with them.
The law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them.
Being fully ethical is said to be impossible for those who make a distinction between self and other and show preference for the perceived self over the perceived other, for such perceptions inhibit being fully responsive.
Being fully ethical is possible only for those who realize that all persons are empty, that is, devoid of personhood.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Power Of Mind

Today in Behavourial Science class we were talking about Stress Management. and we also discussed on how to handle a situation and how our thoughts affect our actions.

Situation 1:
Husband's a business man and wife's a housewife. Husband comes home every afternoon with lunch served on the dining table. but there was one day, when husband comes home and there were no food on the table.

Reaction 1 : reacted furiously and thinking to himself negatively 'I'm bloody hungry! where's my lunch?! my wife is supposed to cook for me! what was she doing the whole time? catching a TV series?? WTF'

Reaction 2 : calm and wondering ' hmmm... no lunch? maybe she's not feeling well. Very well then, maybe i'll take the whole family for lunch at the nearby Chinese restaurant'

You see, if the husband would reacts on 'Reaction 1' unnecessary stress and anger sets in and take control of your actions. husband might start an arguement with wife.
and if the husband reacts on 'Reaction 2' there's totally no anger in him... and the whole family happily goes out for lunch.

Do you see the difference it makes just by how you think? No? here's another one

Situation 2:
Arun and Shangari are schoolmates since high school days, they know each other very well. Years later Arun became an Engineer and Shangari had kidney failures and won't be able to have her own child. but still Arun asked Shangari for her hand in marriage. Arun even sent Shangari all the way to the States to get a kidney transplant. But after not too long, Shangari left Arun for another man... After all that Arun have done, Shangari left him for another man

Reaction 1: Arun says to himself ' No!!! this shouldn't be happening to me! I've treated her so well! She's my life! I can't live without her!' and he kills himself

Reaction 2: Arun says to himself 'Oh well, guess she's not the one for me then. don't worry Arun. there's still so many doors left to be open. i'm sure i'll finally find the right one for me one day.. Yes, it will be painful for some time now. but i'll get over it eventually, just the matter of time. no worries.' and he moved on.
and today, Arun found another so-much-more beautiful wife and they have 3 beautiful children.

Wow.. Just by the thoughts in your head can cause so much. so I hope, after reading this, think more rationally, and get all negative thoughts away. Bring in the positives. Don't rush in to things, try to understand them better first. Be wise.
Yes, in life, there will be stress. Life is not a bed of roses. like I stated in my last few post 'it is the obstacles that we face in life helps build a stronger us'

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When Two Hearts United As One...

There is another more philosophical defination of marriage
A lifetime commitment to constantly provide emotional intimacy to your spouse, thereby uncovering your true self and, ultimately, your unique purpose for being created.
Each clause of this definition reveals the foundation of a successful marriage
A lifetime commitment:
Marriage is meant to last forever. You are committed for the long haul; therefore figure out whatever you need to make it work. When you argue, are frustrated, tired or bored, say to each other: "We are in this together, forever. Let us get through this, because on the other side lies the happiness we both want, the happiness a successful marriage provides."
To constantly:
Marriage takes constant work. A great marriage does not just passively unfold after marrying your soul-mate. Instead, the commitment of marriage is a lifetime of proactive "everydays:"
Everyday I will recommit myself to this person.
Everyday I will make my spouse happy.
Everyday I will communicate with my spouse.
Everyday I will make my spouse feel special.
Everyday I will make my spouse feel that I am the most blessed person in the world to be married to him/her.
Everyday I will unload his/her burden.
And on 21st November 2009, Two hearts united as one. Congratulations to Edwin Phang and Pearly Ng. It was a wonderful wedding. Happy for both of you, God bless...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Pencil Parable

One day, the pencil maker spoke to the pencil saying...

'There are five things I need you to know before I send you out into the world, Always remember them and you will become the best pencil you can be'

1. You will be able to do many things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand

2. sharpening - You will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a better pencil

3. eraser at tip of pencil - You have the ability to correct any mistakes you might make

4. the lead - The most important part of you will always be what's inside

5. No matter what the condition is, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation.

The pencil understands, promising to remember and went into the box fully understanding it's maker's purpose.

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you ;

always remember them and never forget and you will become the best person you can be

Everyone is like a pencil, created by the maker for a unique and special purpose. By understanding and remembering, let us proceed with our life on this earth having a meaningful purpose in our heart and a relationship with God daily.

You Are Made To Do Great Things!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Why are you sad when you can be happy?
Why do you cry when you can smile?
Why do you worry when you can be carefree?
Why do you get stressed out when you can relax?

Why all these negative emotions?
God gave us the ability to be happy, so make use of it.

In life, when you feel like breaking down or giving up...
Remember !!
We only learn from our mistakes, no matter how stupid our mistakes are, Accept it, deal with it. It is all the obstacles that we face in life, that helps build a stronger us.
Everything happens for a reason. so be strong, stand strong, and face the world.
When you're in a tough situation, instead of asking God 'oh, why me?' ,Thank God!

When you're looking for answers, Look within yourself, try speaking to Him and listen intently. You will be surprised what He tells only you.

Are you still sad? angry? frustrated? stressed out? take a deep deep breath in, and exhale out hard... smile... don't frown... it uses more facial muscle to frown than Smile.. so smile and thank God for everyday.
I dedicate this song to everyone out there, listen, and let your body move to the music. Enjoy, and smile,
we only live once :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Favourite videos on YouTube

Stand By Me - Playing for change
The song instantly touched hearts of many including myself... it's just Awesome...

So You Think You Can Dance 2009 - Brandon Bryant's audition
his dance is so powerful that brought me to tears just watching him dance... Amazing dancer...

Michael Jackson's Dance break
I love this one... he's an amazing dancer....

My Birthday

On the 1st of September, my mom held a pool-side Barbeque party for me... it went well, we started from 2-ish till night around 8-ish... it was fun to have all my friends around. We enjoyed ourselves. We even went for a swim after that...

Thanks to :
  • Mom and Aunt Nui for preparing all the food
  • Gradma for the choco fudge birthday cake
  • Family members for attending (and the red packets :D)
Friends who attended :-
Hirann (i'm really greatful that you came all the way from Seremban just for the party and went back on the same day, it means alot to me, thank you)

Thank you all for coming... I enjoyed myself, hope you guys did too :)

Happy Again

It's been 3 months now
since I got on the 'rollercoaster-ride'
and finally,
i'm off the ride already...
I am now happy, happy like I used to be...

P.S: to all my friends, I am sorry for not keeping my blog updated for a very long time, this is due to studies and of course personal issues...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Addiction

Playing Pool with buddies
I don't really fancy Pool last time, but now after playing for a few times with Jason and friends, i'm starting to love it. It really gets your brain working :D

Nympethamine by Cradle Of Filth
I've never liked Metal Rock songs, but somehow I find myself so lovin' this one. Thanks to Jason for introducing this song to me. Now I can blast this song when i'm alone or driving and be all 'Emoish' HAHAHAH!

Insomnia by Craig David
This song is so damn nice. Thanks to Lynn, we all are so lovin' this song, it's the best habit ever to turn up the volume in the car when this song is played. We even requested this song while playing pool and we were all dancing around the pool table, It was damn fun! HAHA!

My bunch of crazy and outgoing lunatic buddies :D
Oh god! I love them so damn much! they're crazy! they're funny! they're caring! they're supportive! they're just AWESOME! Love you guys! xoxo!!

The Most Dreadful 'Roller Coaster Ride' Ever

It's on, then it's off, it's on, then it's off, it's on again, and it's off again! What the f*** is wrong?!

I'm tired, i'm fed up, and I give up, from now on, i'll just go with the flow, God have plans for me, maybe for now it's just 'you must go through the rain before you can see the rainbow' period...

Oh geez... It's really driving me crazy!

Thank God that I have my best friends from college to give me support and they have been really understanding. Thanks to Lynn, the girl who never fails to make one laugh. And of course Jason, for listening out to all my problems. They've been great.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'How Now?...What now?'

I would reckon June 2009 the worst month ever! Lots of problems came tumbling over me. Problems that seperated me from my three-year-boyfriend, but somehow we still got 'back' together after those bombshells. The reason why I use open and close apostrophe to the word Back is because after all the big mess we've gone through, we decide to get back together and take things slower than before. But this 'getting back together' thing has brought even more problems, this time by family, How great can that be! GAWD!!!!

So this is the question I ask myself every morning when I wake up,
'How now?.... What now?'
I guess i'll just let God help me through this crisis...
God help me, Please!!!....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My arts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cousin Christine's Wedding!!!!

On 16th May 2009, I went back to Penang to attend my cousin Christine's wedding.

I'm so happy for her that she found her other half to spend the rest of her life with, very very proud for her.

The wedding reception was held at a bar/restaurant Queen Elizabeth 2 a.k.a QE2. QE2 is located near the Penang Jetty, so it's facing out the sea, it was a beautiful wedding, Christine looked gorgeous in her wedding gown.... Unfortunately, I couldn't get the bride and groom together to snap a picture, there were too many people there :D... So here are the pictures I snap during the wedding reception.

All the best in life cousin Christine! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random pictures taken in various places (college mates!)

The lecture hall

Ekin & myself The future physiotherapist *smiles*

Hanging out at Old Town cafe after class :D

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A 4-day Trip Back To Penang.

March 11, 2009
It was a bright and sunny day in KL. Mom and I began to load our backpacks in the car, we started our journey back to Penang at 12-ish afternoon. it was a long journey back home, and throughout the whole journey, my friends and I were constantly messaging on our mobile phone making plans for the later afternoon. All of the sudden when we reached Taiping, it was raining heavily, we could barely see the car in front of us, and everybody moved slow. The rain then subside after almost half an hour. We reached our destination at about five o'clock.
When mom and I reached home, we started to unload our stuff from the car and started to unpack. My friends Kitt Mun, Sher Ren, Jin Aun, Michelle, Shze Chen, Wayne & Yin Yee then reached my house not long after I reached home, we chit chat at home for awhile and made plans for the night. We plan to have our dinner at Manila's Place, located inside Gurney Plaza. it's a fancy, cozy, fine-dining restaurant that serves variety of western and oriental dishes. And I gotta tell you guys! it was DELICIOUS!. we enjoyed our dinner, catch up with each other for awhile, telling jokes, laughing out loud. soon after dinner while we were catching up, Yin Yee's new boyfriend, Oliver joined us. eventhough we just got to know each other, we had fun talking.

We actually made plans to go to a place along Gurney Drive called Coffee Island, but it was raining that night. so after dinner at Manila's Place, we went window shopping at the new-wing of Gurney Plaza. After half-an-hour or so, the rain stopped and I suggested, 'since the night's still young, why not we head to Coffee Island now?'.. and so we did *laughs* .We went there found a place to sit and started to order some drinks. Wayne, Michelle, Shze Chen and I ordered four different kinds of Italian Sodas (gee, I've forgotten the names of the sodas we drank *laughs*). After the hang out at Coffee Island, we decided to head home. I fetched Michelle back home, and Wayne and Shze Chen planned to overnight at my place. It was a tiring day after the 3 and the half hour journey on highway, but I had fun. It was nice catching up with you guys, and Oliver, nice to know you :D
March 12, 2009

It was results day for our 2008's SPM examinations. everybody was nervous. Wayne, Shze Chen and I went to school together to take our results, I was the first to get my results. After we got our result Michelle, Shze Chen and Wayne got in my car and we were looking through our school records. We were satisfied we our results. We drove through McD's drive through counter and bought our lunch as everybody's in the mood for McD. We had our lunch and planned to head to Red Box in Gurney Plaza for karaoke, but too bad, there were a lot of other people who wants to celebrate for 'knowing their results at last' too :D.. So since we were in Gurney already, we went shopping for awhile. During dinner time, we head to Mizi's Bistro located at New World Park. after dinner, there was a breakdance competition or performance, I'm not sure what was it. Soon after that, we head home to rest, Shze Chen and Wayne decided to overnight at my place.

March 13, 2009

We made plans to go to the beach today, but we changed our mind. in the morning I fetched Shze Chen and Wayne to the near-by cafes to buy themselves lunch as I had to meet up my godparents for lunch today. I brought my godparents to the same place as I had dinner with Wayne, Mich, and Shze Chen last night, Mizi's Bistro. I really enjoyed myself with them as we had not seen each other for a month or more now. after lunch, I planned to go shopping with my godma, I thought of Wayne and Shze Chen being at home, so I head home to fetch them and we headed to Gurney again. Wayne and Shze Chen decided to walk themselves, so I accompanied my godma, we went shopping for hours, and I got myself a long-blouse, my godma too, got herself one. We head home and waited for Michelle. When Michelle reached my place it was near six o'clock, we were discussing where to eat for dinner, Shze Chen suddenly had an idea to bring us to a place that serves Western food around Pulau Tikus area. I ordered Chicken Chop, and I must admit, it's delicious. thanks for introducing, Shze Chen. :)

After dinner it was around half-past-eight, we head to Hainan Town because I heard they have this salsa night thing going on every Friday night, and i'm a big fan of Salsa, we went there and sat down, I ordered myself an Ice Lemon Tea, I think that's the cheapest drink they have, mineral water cost RM8 there, geez. I asked the waitress 'what time will the Salsa start?' and she told me that it starts only after 10 or sometimes 11, and that's hours away, so we decided not to wait for the salsa and head home. Michelle overnight at my place that night.

March 14, 2009

It's my last day to hang-out with my friends. Wayne, Shze Chen, Michelle and I woke up late today, we woke up around 11a.m. when we were still in our PJs Kitt Mun called up and asked whether we want to join him and Danny to Queensbay Mall and that they are already outside my house. So we agreed to join them and have our lunch there at the mall. We went to this new restaurant, Canton-i. they serve only chinese cuisine. It's my first time dining there, it's quite pricy there, but the food was good. After lunch, we walked around the mall for awhile and left at 4. It was time for goodbyes. I fetch Michelle and Shze Chen home and Wayne met up with his mom at the mall. after the hang-out I called-up my boyfriend's mom to see whether is she home cause I want to drop-by at her place. I drove to Air Itam to her house and we talked for quite awhile, we then decided to have dinner nearby, so we went to Asia Cafe near Penang Hill to have our dinner. after dinner I head home for awhile and rest. at around 9 o'clock, i'm supposed to meet up with my boyfriend's best friend and his girlfriend, Eugene and Shalini, at Old Town Cafe located at E-Gate, we had drinks and chit chat for awhile. at around 10-ish we said goodbye and head home. Thanks for the drinks Eugene. :)

March 15, 2009

It's time to say goodbye to Penang, mom and I started our journey at 7 in the morning, we reached Kuala Lumpur at 11-ish. And i'm already starting to miss my friends back in Penang already. Thanks guys for all the hang-outs that you've planned. I had fun and hope you guys did too. Hope to see you guys soon. Take care! xoxo

some pictures to share....
Me at Maxim's cake house My Italian Soda, Blue Hawaii A candid shot of Michelle and I, thanks for the brilliant photography Sher Ren. Shze Chen, Myself, Michelle and Yin Yee at Manila's Place

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Young and Born-talented Boy.

Yesterday as I was browsing in Facebook, I received a message from my friend, Andrew. He asked me to go check out this boy name Sungha Jung. So, I log on to YouTube and I start searching for his videos. And I've gotta tell you. This boy WOW-ed me, this boy inspired me.

He is only at his tender age of eleven, born and raised and still living in South Korea. this prodigy started playing less than three years ago after watching his dad play guitar for years before that. Now, whenever Sungha isn't in class, he's either practicing with his custom-made guitar (to fit his small body) and posting his covers on youtube, or appearing on talent shows like Korea's Star King.

You guys gotta check him out. HE IS AWESOME!

Friendship Poem

As I was browsing through poem after poem, I came about this particular poem which tingle my heart of my friends in Penang, and I can't help it but to share with you all, so this goes out to all my friends in Penang!

You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.

Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.
-written by Angela Hillsley-