Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Why are you sad when you can be happy?
Why do you cry when you can smile?
Why do you worry when you can be carefree?
Why do you get stressed out when you can relax?

Why all these negative emotions?
God gave us the ability to be happy, so make use of it.

In life, when you feel like breaking down or giving up...
Remember !!
We only learn from our mistakes, no matter how stupid our mistakes are, Accept it, deal with it. It is all the obstacles that we face in life, that helps build a stronger us.
Everything happens for a reason. so be strong, stand strong, and face the world.
When you're in a tough situation, instead of asking God 'oh, why me?' ,Thank God!

When you're looking for answers, Look within yourself, try speaking to Him and listen intently. You will be surprised what He tells only you.

Are you still sad? angry? frustrated? stressed out? take a deep deep breath in, and exhale out hard... smile... don't frown... it uses more facial muscle to frown than Smile.. so smile and thank God for everyday.
I dedicate this song to everyone out there, listen, and let your body move to the music. Enjoy, and smile,
we only live once :)

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