Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Power Of Mind

Today in Behavourial Science class we were talking about Stress Management. and we also discussed on how to handle a situation and how our thoughts affect our actions.

Situation 1:
Husband's a business man and wife's a housewife. Husband comes home every afternoon with lunch served on the dining table. but there was one day, when husband comes home and there were no food on the table.

Reaction 1 : reacted furiously and thinking to himself negatively 'I'm bloody hungry! where's my lunch?! my wife is supposed to cook for me! what was she doing the whole time? catching a TV series?? WTF'

Reaction 2 : calm and wondering ' hmmm... no lunch? maybe she's not feeling well. Very well then, maybe i'll take the whole family for lunch at the nearby Chinese restaurant'

You see, if the husband would reacts on 'Reaction 1' unnecessary stress and anger sets in and take control of your actions. husband might start an arguement with wife.
and if the husband reacts on 'Reaction 2' there's totally no anger in him... and the whole family happily goes out for lunch.

Do you see the difference it makes just by how you think? No? here's another one

Situation 2:
Arun and Shangari are schoolmates since high school days, they know each other very well. Years later Arun became an Engineer and Shangari had kidney failures and won't be able to have her own child. but still Arun asked Shangari for her hand in marriage. Arun even sent Shangari all the way to the States to get a kidney transplant. But after not too long, Shangari left Arun for another man... After all that Arun have done, Shangari left him for another man

Reaction 1: Arun says to himself ' No!!! this shouldn't be happening to me! I've treated her so well! She's my life! I can't live without her!' and he kills himself

Reaction 2: Arun says to himself 'Oh well, guess she's not the one for me then. don't worry Arun. there's still so many doors left to be open. i'm sure i'll finally find the right one for me one day.. Yes, it will be painful for some time now. but i'll get over it eventually, just the matter of time. no worries.' and he moved on.
and today, Arun found another so-much-more beautiful wife and they have 3 beautiful children.

Wow.. Just by the thoughts in your head can cause so much. so I hope, after reading this, think more rationally, and get all negative thoughts away. Bring in the positives. Don't rush in to things, try to understand them better first. Be wise.
Yes, in life, there will be stress. Life is not a bed of roses. like I stated in my last few post 'it is the obstacles that we face in life helps build a stronger us'

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